踏板的动力: Auckland by e-bike
Exploring Auckland at night on an e-bike
Book Top 经历 and Tours in Auckland:
如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 last minute, we have you covered. Below are some of the top tours and experiences!- 奥克兰:雕塑花园和画廊门票
- Auckland War Memorial Museum Entry Ticket
- Auckland: Full-Day City Highlights Tour
- Auckland: Ship to Shore Half-Day Excursion
- 奥克兰城市 & 西海岸豪华游
一个简单的按钮的按下是所有需要添加一个令人满意的提升你的 容易蹬车, 不用流汗就能骑上坡是一件非常令人满意的事情. 舒适的耳机意味着每个人都能听到埃迪的解说和指示, so you always know where you’re going. On the Inside Loop, the 16 kilometre tour takes 2.5小时游览城市中一些最具活力的街区, 利用许多专用自行车道以及更安静的后街路线. 为格拉夫顿峡谷供电, 沿着亮粉色的光路绕个小弯, but the main focus is the inner circle of K Road, Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and the Wynyard Quarter. There are lots of stops for inside looks, 照片和信息丰富的聊天,这些地方你可能已经开车经过很多年了,甚至没有注意到. 有些东西你会学到的是惊人的:比如50,60年代中期,内城高速公路建成后,有1000人流离失所. 其中一些令人惊讶,比如圣凯文拱廊和它古怪的商店. 还有一些就是很可爱,比如Hakanoa街庄严的梧桐树大道. 庞森比生动的历史提供了许多有趣的故事, one of them about a murderer appropriately named Gunn; and a leisurely inspection of the many elegant old villas in Grey Lynn’s quiet side streets is a real delight. Herne Bay and Westhaven have their own stories, 艾迪也有同感, and then the tour winds up along Wynyard Quarter, currently buzzing with America’s Cup excitement. 如果说有什么不同的话,那就是这段海滨在艾迪的城市之光之旅中更有吸引力. 这骑, 为此,你要穿上反光的安全装备, 日落前开始, 充分利用了内城所有的亮点, 这比你想象的要多得多. 在小街和小巷里,陈列着色彩斑斓的艺术品, 雕塑, murals and buildings that you never knew were there, but which Eddie can tell you all about. 自然,光之路是这次旅行的主要特色, 当你沿着它明亮的粉红色表面骑行时,它的互动灯光会给你带来一些乐趣, the Skytower above you even more brightly lit. 在那之后穿过维多利亚公园的黑暗,这是一个真正的对比, 然后是海港大桥上的LED灯光秀, and the art that’s scattered around Silo Park.
Next you’re into the bright lights of the Viaduct, its restaurants busy with diners, 人们聚集在展示帆船比赛的美洲杯大屏幕下面, 当人行天桥升起让船只通过时,内港闪闪发光. 夜晚绝对是前往附近皇后码头尽头的最佳时间, where the Lighthouse installation dazzles in the dark, 里面的库克船长闪烁着彩色的反光. 现在只要骑一小段路上山就到终点了, 但毫无疑问,你会回到海滨继续你晚上的娱乐活动, and Eddie has plenty of suggestions for that. 他还会把沿途给你拍的照片发给你, and a nifty GPS map showing the exact route you took, so that you have a memento of your journey. 不用说,你将永远成为一个皈依者 电动自行车. Details
踏板的动力 提供各种旅游. 城市之光之旅每人85美元,最低年龄14岁,最多4人. 三个日间游, 对于更大的群体, 那105美元的逍遥骑士呢, a waterfront cruise from Mission Bay to the Bridge; the Inside Loop, also at $105; and The Classic, 彻底的.5 hour exploration of the inner city for $135. There are also custom tours available on request. 所有的旅游都从铂尔曼酒店下面的停车场开始.